

Diary Life Kakeishun CGJ and Momo~chan

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

heyyyy~ we meet again~ c:
its about Diary Life Kakeishun CGJ and Momo~chan xDD hehehe <3
Momo~chan is Domo
i call my Domo with Momo~chan :33

this day , i go to with m0m0~chan  

take a ticket to enter the mall~ =3=

okeyy lets go for a walk~ -3- <3

I decided to go films in a cinema
watch "cinta broutsaurus" hahhaha

we were lining up to take tickets

and waiting ~ ^o^/ 
its films so funny~ xD

its when dika child~ :33
and after it
im and m0m0~chan feel very hungry
so ,i will eat something~ <33
lets gooooooo~!!!!!

 okey after full , i go again

momo~chan want go to cinema again for watch "IRON MAN 3 3D " T,T
oke lets go~ , ;A;
get 4 ticket.

 and i wait again for films ^^
when a waiting , i saw momo~chan friends hahahah




 momo~chan want play game but cant , cuz not have money hhahahaha

Its time to show~ <333

the end~~~ <333
have a nice day alll~~~!!!! :DDDD

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