

How to Make a Dorayaki~ yummy~ :3

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Jumat, 27 September 2013 0 komentar

Ohayou Gozaimasu!

waktu ke festival jepang , pasti menemukan makanan kesukaan doraemon ini~ :33
apalagi kalau bukan dorayaki~ hmmmm yummy 
bagi yang tidak bisa ke festival jepang , pasti iri~ ;A; <~~ sama seperti gw hahaha
jarak yang memisahkan hahaha karna tidak tinggal di daerah ibu kota hohohoho
okehhhh jangan khawatir~ gw akan menshare resep dorayaki~ 
jadi tinggal buat d rumah , atau mu berjualan di rumah ^_~ kekeke

Okeyyy Lets Read~
Berikut ini adalah bahan dan cara membuatnya:

Bahan isi : 200 gram kacang merah, 250 gram gula pasir, dan sedikit garam.
Bahan kulit (untuk 6 buah): 3 butir telur, 100 gram gula pasir, 150 gram tepung terigu protein sedang (cake flour), 1 sdm madu, 1/3 sdt baking powder (atau soda kue), dan 40~60 ml air putih.

Cara membuat selai kacang merah (bahan isi) :

1. Cuci kacang merah dan rendam dalam air selama satu malam.
2. Rebus kacang merah yang telah direndam dalam air hingga lunak (sekitar satu jam lebih).
3. Tambahkan gula pasir dan garam, lalu aduk sampai merata.
4. Rebus selai kacang hingga matang. Memang terlihat seperti terlalu banyak mengandung air, tetapi sebenarnya kadar air yang berlebihan di dalamnya akan pelahan-pelahan menghilang selama didinginkan.
*Untuk Isi anda bisa menggantinya dengan bahan lain seperti Keju Cheddar,Meses atau cokelat

Cara membuat dorayaki sendiri :

1. Ayak tepung terigu, lalu aduk dengan baking powder sampai rata.
2. Masukkan bahan kulit ke dalam baskom dengan urutan: telur, gula, madu, dan tepung terigu yang dicampur dengan baking powder (adonan kulit).
3. Aduk adonan kulit dengan alat pengocok sambil ditambahkan air putih sedikit demi sedikit supaya adonannya tidak terlalu lunak.
4. Diamkan adonan kulit yang ditutup dengan plastik pembungkus di dalam kulkas selama sekitar 15 menit.
5. Panaskan penggorengan anti lengket (teflon), lalu olesi dengan minyak goreng.
6. Tuangkan adonan kulit ke dalam penggorengan dengan diameter sekitar 10 cm, lalu tutup dan panggang dengan api kecil.
7. Tunggu sampai muncul gelembung-gelembung di permukaannya.
8. Balikkan dan panggang lagi kulitnya sebentar, lalu angkat.
9. Ambil dua kulit, lalu oleskan salah satunya dengan selai kacang merah.
10. Tutup dengan kulit lainnya seperti burger.


#Kawaii Beauty Japan

Kakeishun CGJ

Diary Life Kakeishun CGJ and Momo~chan

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Selasa, 21 Mei 2013 0 komentar

heyyyy~ we meet again~ c:
its about Diary Life Kakeishun CGJ and Momo~chan xDD hehehe <3
Momo~chan is Domo
i call my Domo with Momo~chan :33

this day , i go to with m0m0~chan  

take a ticket to enter the mall~ =3=

okeyy lets go for a walk~ -3- <3

I decided to go films in a cinema
watch "cinta broutsaurus" hahhaha

we were lining up to take tickets

and waiting ~ ^o^/ 
its films so funny~ xD

its when dika child~ :33
and after it
im and m0m0~chan feel very hungry
so ,i will eat something~ <33
lets gooooooo~!!!!!

 okey after full , i go again

momo~chan want go to cinema again for watch "IRON MAN 3 3D " T,T
oke lets go~ , ;A;
get 4 ticket.

 and i wait again for films ^^
when a waiting , i saw momo~chan friends hahahah




 momo~chan want play game but cant , cuz not have money hhahahaha

Its time to show~ <333

the end~~~ <333
have a nice day alll~~~!!!! :DDDD


|KAWAii| |GYARU| |Kakeishun CGJ|

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Rabu, 15 Mei 2013 0 komentar

Heyyyyyy Heyyy~
I dont like write~ xD hahaha so , i just share photo2~ :O #GOMEN #BOW (-/\-)"||

i have a new photo of Kakeishun CGJ =3=v
I try to use GYARU make up~ =3= and GYARU style~ ^o^/ LIKE LIKE~ x)

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

 LOVELY DAYYY~ <3 =3=  :3

Gwiyomi Kakeishun CGJ

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Kamis, 11 April 2013 0 komentar

Hiiii ALLL
good morninggg >o<
ogenki desuka ?? i hope u fine all~ :333

i will exam >,< pray for me TuT , i hope be successfull~ Aminnn >,<

Btw , i make video , gwiyomi by hari~ =3=
u wanna see ??? ^o^ /// :33
i try to the best =3=v
okeyyyy lets see >:DD #if u want =3=
gwiyomi gwiyomi gwiyomi gwiyomi gwiyomi =3=
1+1 = gwiyomi
2+2 = gwiyomi
3+3 = gwiyomi~ ^o^///

thankssss forr alll~ :333 <3 :**
Kakeishun CGJ


My Holiday~ xD Part II

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : Minggu, 10 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ
Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Kakeishun CGJ

Review: Revoltech Yotsuba and Danboard

Posted by : CGJ

Tanggal : 0 komentar

Revoltech Yotsuba and Danboard
Today we have a double review, Revoltech Yotsuba and Danboard! Both of these were originally released around late 2007 but have recently seen rereleases in October 2010. Since they’re fairly simple figures and they make such fun photos together, I’ve decided to do a double review! In case you don’t know where these 2 characters come from, they are from the utterly hilarious manga series Yotsuba&! drawn by the talented Kiyohiko Azuma that follows the adventures of the cheeky youngster Yotsuba. Danboard appears briefly in the manga when Miura, one of Yotsuba’s friends, dons a cardboard robot costume and is mistaken by Yotsuba as a futuristic visitor that is fueled by money.

Danboard standing tall
We’ll start off with Danboard. She is pretty simple, and should be, since shes a cardboard robot! Danboard is a funny figure, she is probably one of the most simple designs in a figure ever and has absolutely horrible articulation (more on that later) and yet is one of the more sought after figures. Kaiyodo even made 2 other variants, an version and a 7-Eleven version. Somehow Danbo is very photogenic as well, she seems to be favorite for beautiful artsy shots.
Revoltech Yotsuba taking your money
Yotsuba on the other hand, well, shes still popular but is actually very well articulated (more on that later as well). There is one other version of her available, the Summer DX version. Yotsuba also takes good photos due to her flexibility and her character. There are lots of photos of Yotsuba getting into all kinds of mischief.
Yotsuba and Danbo box
The boxes for both are pretty small, smaller than any figma box. Accessories are pretty limited as well, Danboard only has Miyura’s head and a stand and Yotsuba has an ice cream, squirt gun, 4 hands, and a stand. Oh, and this funny joint that you can apparently put into her chest to make it more flexible but I’m not too keen on ripping apart my Yotsuba so I gave it a pass. They’re fairly efficient with the package size though, at least it will save on shipping.
Back of the boxes
I really like how Danboards box is more of a rough paper like a paper bag instead of the glossy type of cardboard, it really adds to the character. The one thing I really dislike about Revoltech boxes is the paper wrap-around thing at the bottom of the box, I’m pretty bad at destroying those and will probably never be able to resell any of my Revoltechs, hehe.
Yotsuba catching up to Danboard
Hey Danboard, wait up!
One thing with Yotsuba is that she doesn’t have very many Revoltech joints, she mostly has revolving joints that are limited to one plane of motion but she has so many joints, you can usually get around it to get most any pose you want.
Yotsuba bouncing on Danboard's head
Yotsuba: Whee!! Danbo: O_O
Thats actually the limit of Danboard’s arm movement without moving the head
Ice cream on a mushroom
Danboard wishes she could eat ice cream
I was pretty impressed to see that Yotsuba could sit like that. It takes 3 revolving joints and a Revoltech joint in one leg alone to do it, but that’s pretty cool. The mushroom is a candy tin thing we got from a convention, eat it to grow!
Looking at the sky
Yotsuba can actually sit! To get this sitting pose though, its thanks to the rotating joints in her hips, which means that her legs will only stick out at that angle, no splits or legs straight out for her. As for Danboard, thats as far back as the head will go.
Yotsuba turns on Danboard
Yotsuba turns on Danboard
Love that face with the squirt gun, it instantly makes her a punk up to no good. As for Danboard, the leg going back is the limit of leg movement
Yotsuba attacks!
Yotsuba actually looks pretty pro kneeling and shooting like that.
Danbo counterattack!
Danbo counterattack! CARDBOARD UPPERCUT!!!!
My favorite photo, no Photoshopping except for the black (had to hide the Kleenex box somehow). Yes, Danbo has a special feature, light up eyes! Once you remove the plastic tab under the head, you can flip the tiny switch on the side of the head to activate Danboard’s rage mode! (aka. light up eyes). The cardboard uppercut was actually just some cut up cardboard that I glued together and secured on her arm with wire.
Danboard is really human
Danboard really is human! This is Miura’s head
Yotsuba and Danbo size comparison
A size comparison, Yotsuba is almost Figma sized, her scale is a little off from them though. Don’t have to worry with Danboard although you can see her head is definitely bigger than even a Nendoroid!
Yotsuba and Danboard are fun figures are are definitely recommended for fans of the series. The lack of articulation on Danboard might turn off some, but its to be expected with a design like that and hey, Kaiyodo even put in the light up eyes gimmick they had in the story! The price is quite good as well, Yotsuba is on sale at all the major stores, AmiAmi for 1480 yen, Hobby Search for 1615 yen, and HobbyLink Japan for 1900 yen. Danboard is a little harder to get, as of this moment she is sold out in the 3 stores but Hobby Search has had restocks twice already and if you’re vigilant, you might be able to catch another one. Thanks for reading!


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